How to Fill That Big Empty Wall (7 MORE Ideas For Your Blank Wall!)

Hello! Around this time last year I wrote a post about how to fill a big, awkward blank wall (we all have one)! And since then, it’s become one of my most popular posts! Then the other day an old friend from college (hi Rachel!) DMed me about something and she mentioned she has a big blank wall she doesn’t know what to do with… sooo I decided it’s time to revisit this topic! I listed out 7 more ideas for how to decorate that wall that’s been giving you trouble.

And just as an FYI - I really don’t think that every single wall in your home needs to have something on it - in fact, I think some blank space is a good thing! But if your wall bothers you every time you look at it, it’s definitely worth giving one of these a try!

1) Pegs/ Shelf Combo or Accordion Wall Hooks

I know I had hooks on my first list, but I wanted to add onto that. I’ve been loving seeing shaker pegs that have a tiny ledge on top! So perfect for leaning a couple of baskets or pretty vintage art! I also want to add accordion wall hooks- I love them and they’re so inexpensive! I also love with both of these options, you can easily switch up the styling when you want a change!

2) Hat Wall

Bonus points if you actually wear hats lol. I love seeing how people display their cool fedoras or sun hats! Those types of hats are usually so pretty, so it only makes sense to put them out on display! And if you want the look of a hat wall but don’t wear hats… try searching your local Goodwill for cheap hats to display!

3) Wood Feature Wall + Wood Slat Wall

Maybe your wall doesn’t need any art or decor - but just some interesting texture! Insert: the wood feature wall! I’ve seen SO many different variations and patterns that people have come up with. The example below is painted a different color than the other walls, but you could also paint it the same color as your other walls if you wanted more subtle texture. I’ve also been loving wood slat walls! They add so much warmth and interest to a room- without being overwhelming.

4) Over-sized Pegboards

I love these!! I love how you can move the pegs and shelves around as much as you want- it allows for endless styling possibilities! I really want to put one up somewhere in our house. (the photo below is from a DIY post on how to make these!)

5) Dried Palm Fronds

My friend Shauna tagged me in comment on an account with these hanging up and I love them! Sadly, I have NO clue where to find them if you don’t live in an area with palm trees. BUT if you do- go collect some fallen fronds lol! Turns out they make beautiful wall decor!

6) Painted Mural

The best thing about paint— you can just paint right back over it if you don’t like it! If you want to try painting a mural but aren’t sure what pattern to do, try looking up some wallpaper patterns you like… or search for abstract murals on Pinterest. Once you find a design one you like, head to Home Depot and pick up some inexpensive paint samples! You can go bold like Jodi and her terrazzo wall, or choose something more subtle like the arches painted by Mandi! And if you get sick of it- just paint over it and try something new!

7) Vintage Rug

I’m a BIG fan of hanging vintage rugs on walls! Turkish rugs are so beautiful- they really are like works of art. Plus, you can easily find affordable rugs on Etsy (I’ll link some below)! And as a bonus, if you don’t like how it looks on your wall- just take it down and use as a rug!

My Kitchen! :)

My Kitchen! :)


I hope this post has helped spark an idea for you!