How the Disney Princesses Would Decorate Their Homes (PART 1: BELLE)

Does anyone else ever try to imagine how the Disney princesses might decorate their homes if they were real people in today’s world?? …just me??

I was watching Beauty & the Beast with my son a few weeks ago and finally just HAD to actually put my thoughts down into a Pinterest board for Belle’s possible modern day home!

*please note: this post contains affiliate links

Imagining How Disney Princesses Would Decorate Their Modern Day Homes.jpg

Below are some of the inspiration photos I found (you can see more on my Pinterest board here):

I imagine Belle to be somewhat of a minimalist - she doesn’t seem like she’s into “stuff”. The one thing she’d obviously have a ton of though is books! And she’d definitely have one of those cool, fancy rolling ladders for her bookshelves!

I was inspired to search for “Parisian Apartments” since the story takes place in France, and these spaces have a few things in common: white walls, mix of vintage & modern, velvet furniture, brass accents, etc.

I pulled together some pieces (below) that would look great if you’re trying to achieve a similar look! (and check back to see my take on the other princesses’ styles!)