Modern Baby Products to Add to Your Registry

Last October I wrote a post called Baby Products That Aren't Ugly, and it is still my most clicked on post!  That clearly means that there are a ton of other people out there searching for baby products that blend in a little better with their decor.  It makes sense too-- when your baby is an infant, they don't care what color any of their gear is!  In fact, I've read that infants actually prefer the high contrast of black and white!  So if your baby doesn't care, and you have to look at these products all day- then why shouldn't they be designed to suit your taste?  So I pulled together another list of modern baby gear that won't take away from the design of your home!


1. Baby Bloom Coco Lounger

I love the natural wood and clean lines of this baby bouncer/lounger.  There are more color options for both the seat and the base.  This is definitely a piece that would fit into any decor!

2. Wooden Activity Gym

This wooden play gym from Pottery Barn Kids is so cute! All you need to do is lay down a blanket and you're set!

3. Bloom Baby Nano High Chair 

This high chair folds completely flat for easy storage. It can also be used as a chair at the table when your child is a bit older!

4. Activity Seat

I think my son would have loved this activity seat from Crate & Barrel. Plus it's all cushioned, so there's no place for baby to hurt them self!

5. Modern Baby Blanket

LOVE this baby blanket from PB Kids/West Elm! It looks super soft for baby, but with a modern design that would look great draped over any sofa!

6. Cute Swaddles

I personally never used swaddles as actual swaddles. But I used them everyday to lay out for tummy time, or to protect the couch from spit up. Most of your pictures will probably have a swaddle in the background -- so make sure they're cute! ;)

7. Baby Bjorn Modern Bassinet

I know all babies are different, but I think it's pretty common for babies to sleep in a rock & play or bassinet for the first couple months. The modern look of this one instantly caught my eye!

8. Skip Hop Changing Pad

I know I had another wipe clean changing pad in my last post but that's because I really think they're genius! We ended up NEVER using the changing pad cover on ours, it was such a waste! Might as well skip that step and get one that's not meant to have a cover!

9. Stroller Gloves

This is not really a "modern baby gear" product, but more of a recommendation. These stroller gloves stay attached to the handle of your stroller so you can easily slide your hands in and out! These would be especially useful if you live in a city where you do a lot of walking.

So there are my top modern baby products that I would definitely have on my registry if I were to go back in time!  I do want to mention that for high chairs, make sure you look into one that has straps that can easily be removed.  You will definitely be washing those bad boys quite often once your baby starts eating solids!!